Inquiries & Remarks

The life and work of Vesneratch

Where do you get your inspiration?

I would not call it inspiration. It is more of a calling. A duty to the lost truths of forgotten worlds. I am but a vessel for these words to come to light here on earth. But I suppose my curiosity began with the gargoyles. Seen upon both modern and ancient architectures, yet without a clear history or mythology behind them. Of course we hear tales of dragons, demons, elves, vampires…. but what of these gargoyles? Thus my journey began. A journey, perhaps, you will choose to embark upon as well.

Will you ever reveal your true identity?

Perhaps. But not until my work is done. And there’s no telling how long that could be. Fifteen years? Twenty? My work has only just begun, I’m afraid. I will leave clues for those desperate and dedicated enough to search for them.

Would you attend writing conferences if invited?

Yes. But do not think this negates the previous question. I would attend and provide my insights into my work. But you would not see my face. So long as my gracious hosts are willing to grant this request, I will attend.